Configuring CreativeRez SaaS Boilerplate

This guide will help you configure and customize the CreativeRez SaaS Boilerplate for your specific needs.

Environment Variables

The first step in configuring your application is setting up the environment variables. Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the values:


Tailwind CSS

You can customize the Tailwind CSS configuration in the tailwind.config.ts file. This is where you can add custom colors, fonts, or extend the default theme.


To configure Supabase:

  1. Set up your Supabase project and database schema
  2. Update the Supabase client in src/lib/supabase.ts if needed


The OpenAI integration is set up in src/lib/openai.ts. You can modify the generateText function or add new functions to suit your AI needs.


Stripe integration is in src/lib/stripe.ts. You may need to adjust the Stripe functions based on your specific payment model.

Error Handling

Customize the error handling in src/lib/utils/errorHandler.ts. You can add specific error types or integrate with an error tracking service.


The Redis-based caching system is in src/lib/utils/cache.ts. Adjust the caching strategy as needed for your application.

Job Queue

Customize the job queue in src/lib/utils/jobQueue.ts. Add new job types and their corresponding processing logic as required.


Modify the analytics system in src/lib/utils/analytics.ts to track the events that are important for your SaaS application.

Adding New Features

To add new features:

  1. Create new components in src/lib/components
  2. Add new routes in src/routes
  3. Extend the existing utilities or create new ones in src/lib/utils

Remember to update this documentation when you make significant changes to the boilerplate structure or add new major features.

For more detailed information on each feature, refer to the Features page.